
Witcher rise of the white wolf mod
Witcher rise of the white wolf mod

witcher rise of the white wolf mod

We looked at a number of options and decided to go with Widescreen, as their tech fit our needs and they were enthusiastic about the project. Given that this was to be our first console title, we figured it would make more sense to find a studio with console experience and importantly, console technology to work with.

witcher rise of the white wolf mod

do it all internally or find a studio that could help us out. GB: How did you wind up working with Widescreen Games? Can you give us a quick overview of what exactly they'll be contributing to RotWW? Tom: We obviously had a few options for how we could approach Rise of the White Wolf's development. Now that we're happy with the PC game (not counting the update we're just about done with) we're able to focus our attention on Rise of the White Wolf to make sure it's as good as it can be. We put all of our focus into the game on PC for that reason we felt that if we split our efforts across multiple platforms, we wouldn't be making the best game possible.

witcher rise of the white wolf mod

CD Projekt's Tom Ohle and Mateusz Kanik help fill in the gaps below: GB: Did you originally intend to port The Witcher over to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, or was this an opportunity that only presented itself after the game's success? Tom: We'd always wanted to bring The Witcher to consoles, but only if we could make sure it was really good and could stand up to the best RPGs on those platforms. However, not much information was given about what changes and additions would be made to The Witcher: Rise of the White Wolf and whether or not those same tweaks would wind up finding their way to the original PC version. With the amount of success CD Projekt has (rightfully) enjoyed after releasing The Witcher on PC, it really didn't come as too much of a shock when the company announced their intentions to port the game over to the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Witcher rise of the white wolf mod